Future of BCI

new wearable EEG device


Newer forms of recording brain signals have been implement such as Magnetoencephalography(MEG) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with great results. The problem is that they are big and bulky taking up a lot of room for storage. A EEG sensor systems can be made into a comfortably wearable device and thus potentially usable in a wide range of settings. Miniaturised units could enable prolonged monitoring of chronic conditions such as epilepsy and greatly improve the end-user acceptance of BCI systems.The idea would be to have real time signal processing with new non invasive EEG sensing technology that can produce accurate readings of brain signals. NuroSky’s Mindflex is taking a step in the right direction.

Current BCI- Ethical Issues

half man half machine hybrids machine controlling humans

Invasive BCI do provide a stronger reading and are become more powerful. The problem comes with the implanting of the BCI into the brain. How much control is the BCI going to have? Is it going to be the BCI in control of movements and actions or the human brain? With the BCI being programmed, can a programer take over you brain and have full control over your entire body.Because of these questions, many doctors are in favour of the non invasive EEG.A new improvement is the use of WET EEG. By applying a conductive gel to the electrodes improves the connection between the scalp and allows for a stronger reading.